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Life Coaching

Start shaping your new life today!

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together!”

– Vincent Van Gogh –

What does a Life Coach do?

Optimises your true potential

Reveals your essential self

Empowers your inner growth

A life coach supports you with moving forward on your journey in a focused and intentional manner. Knowing where you want to go will get you there faster than meandering through life waiting for “what comes along.” 

 A life coach creates a safe environment to look beyond the superficial and explore your thoughts, habits and behaviours that have been keeping you from achieving what it is you really want to do. This can be accomplished by taking action and working through activities and exercises that bring light to what is really going on inside you. What is at the core of who you are, what you believe and what you value most. By shining a light on where you are right now we can then work on creating new habits and beliefs that support you in achieving your goals.

 These beliefs surface in our self talk, our self sabotage and other creative ways to keep you in a place of “I am not enough” the stories we tell ourselves to keep us in our comfort zone. The self talk in our head that says we aren’t “qualified enough” or ‘smart enough” or good enough at…,  or that we don’t “have what it takes.” This is what is keeping you in a place of certainty, of what you already know. It’s venturing out of this safe space that challenges you to grow and learn new skills and to achieve what you never thought possible. If we compare coaching to a personal trainer, you are going to get stronger and fitter in a shorter amount of time when you work one on one with a personal trainer than if you were on your own at the gym or even working out at home. 

 A life coach provides accountability and has your best interests at heart. We are here to be your sounding board, your cheerleader, your devils advocate and your mentor. We see you from where you are right now, today, and not where you have been for the last 10 years. This gives you the opportunity to change and grow. To find the confidence and belief that you can achieve your goals and become the person you want to be.


  • 30 minutes
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This gives us a chance to meet each other and see if we click! It is similar to the Kickstart to Clarity in that we look at where you are now and where you would like to go. We can then see how we work together and if I am the best person to support you in your journey!

Kickstart to Clarity

  • 60 minutes
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This is a one off session to bring about clarity and focus in the direction you want to head. To narrow down your options and find what you truly need and want at this stage in life. A chance to take an overall snapshot of who you are today and create a plan for where you would like to go. We can accomplish a great deal in 60 minutes! It can also be an add on to existing coaching packages.

Game Changer

  • 12 Sessions
  • 60 minutes
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A block of 12 sessions to dive into and commit to real change and growth. This process gives you the accountability needed for real change to happen. We set your goals and then explore your existing habits and beliefs and what you need to create lasting change. A commitment to weekly or fortnightly sessions is essential to create continuity and momentum. You will gain the skills to set goals and achieve them on your own. This gives you time to process the learning and insights made along the way.

Business Mentoring

  • 10 Sessions
  • 60 minutes
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Did you know that how you feel and how you think can dramatically impact your business? I work with other business women where we dive into what limiting beliefs are at play, How you are sabotaging yourself and getting in your own way of attracting and keeping the clients you want to work with. Creating alignment with your life purpose and your business will insure you are drawing to you, your ideal client. This saves energy and time because you are not having to waste it on clients you either don’t want to work with or aren’t in alignment with you and your higher purpose.

Let's take control of your future together

How can we help?


021 369 869




Mon - Fri: 10am - 9pm
Weekends: By appointment